Thursday, August 6, 2009


Let me introduce myself. I am Vanessa. A thirtysomething that loves to eat (who doesn't), socialize, workout, travel, cook, be creative, adventure and the list goes on. I recently moved to Colorado from the great state of Texas and have been thinking of new things to occupy my time, stimulate my mind, and motivate me. Hence, the birth of Journal of a Foodpusher.

If there is one thing I know, it is food. Friends back home can attest to this. I am a grazer and will have a bite or two of something and encourage those around to have the rest. Sorry Kris - I know you used to look like me (LMAO - inside joke)!

Anyway, I have been thinking of a fun way to motivate myself and get back on the wagon. By the wagon, I mean, back in shape and at a healthy weight! I am hoping my journal will hold me accountable, encourage others, and share some tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

I will provide daily updates on my "diet" - I hate that word, exercise, and challenges as I try and shed 35 pounds of this volumptopus body! I hope you enjoy this journey and can join in on the fun because we all

Here's to the journey!

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