Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 1

Sugar Free Instant Oatmeal - SERVING 1 packet, 100 calories, 2g fat, 18g carbs, 4g protein

Light&Fit Dannon Blackberry Yogurt - SERVING 1 containter, 60 calories, 0g fat, 10g carbs, 3g protein

1 gallon of water

Smart Ones Quesidilla - SERVING 1 dilla, 220 calories, 5g fat, 32g carbs, 10g protein

19 almonds - SERVING 1 oz=28 nuts, 160 calories, 14g fat, 6g carbs, 6g protein
5 triscuits - SERVING 6 crackers, 120 calories, 4g fat, 20g carbs, 3g protein
1 slice of cheese - SERVING 1 slice, 60 calories, 4.5g fat, 1g carbs, 3g protein
5 pieces of turkey - SERVING 6 slices, 50 calories, 1g fat, 2g carbs, 9g protein

Not sure yet! I just went to see Julie & Julia and all I can say is what a cute movie. Meryl Streep and Amy Adams are such a joy to watch! The food looked delicious and had my mind and taste buds racing. Wow! I'm in trouble.

Bon Appetite!

I'm back!
1/2 c brown rice - SERVING 1/4 c, 170 calories, 1.5g fat, 40g carbs, 3g protein
1/2 c ground turkey - SERVING 4oz, 160 calories, 8g fat, 0g carbs, 22g protein
enchilada sauce - SERVING 1/4 c, 25 calories, 1g fat, 3g carbs, 1g protein
1 tsp "hot cock" - SERVING 1 tsp, 5 calories, 0g fat, 1g carbs, 0g protein

1 lf yogurt cone - SERVING 1 cone, 120 calories, .5g fat, 24g carbs, 4g protein

Refreshed Excited Determined

So the day has arrived. Time to whip that appetite into shape and feel the positives of living a healthy lifestyle.

Unfortunately, I am unable to workout like I normally do because of a back injury. For now I will complete stretching and exercise routines designed by my therapist. I am also able to walk and will try to walk 2-3 miles a day until I am cleared to hit the gym again. Please come soon!!!!! I am having withdrawls.

If there is one thing I love it is cardio. Once cleared I will do 40-60 minutes of cardio. I will also work hard to implement a lift program to help breakdown fat faster and sculpt my body! Let the fun begin!

BTW, I am thinking about investing in a stripper pole. The workouts are supposed to be killer, plus, you get to learn some sassy moves while you are at it. I will keep you posted on this escapade! Already have the workout routine thanks to CD!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Let me introduce myself. I am Vanessa. A thirtysomething that loves to eat (who doesn't), socialize, workout, travel, cook, be creative, adventure and the list goes on. I recently moved to Colorado from the great state of Texas and have been thinking of new things to occupy my time, stimulate my mind, and motivate me. Hence, the birth of Journal of a Foodpusher.

If there is one thing I know, it is food. Friends back home can attest to this. I am a grazer and will have a bite or two of something and encourage those around to have the rest. Sorry Kris - I know you used to look like me (LMAO - inside joke)!

Anyway, I have been thinking of a fun way to motivate myself and get back on the wagon. By the wagon, I mean, back in shape and at a healthy weight! I am hoping my journal will hold me accountable, encourage others, and share some tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

I will provide daily updates on my "diet" - I hate that word, exercise, and challenges as I try and shed 35 pounds of this volumptopus body! I hope you enjoy this journey and can join in on the fun because we all

Here's to the journey!